CNA World News

Joshua Street
1 min readMar 2, 2021

Satellite images reveal extent of damage caused by Biden administration’s first military action

This article from CNN covers the damage caused by President Biden’s first known military action. The air strike took place early Friday morning near the Syrian-Iraqi border. The target was a compound used by two Iranian-affiliated Iraqi militias and it was completely destroyed as a result from the attack.

Alexei Navalny: US imposes sanctions on Russians

An article from BBC News covers the new sanctions that the United States is imposing on Russians following the poisoning of Alexei Nalvany. Nalvany is a strong critic of President Vladimir Putin and was the target of an attempted assassination last year. The European Union is expected to follow in the steps of the US and announce similar plans to hold the Russians accountable.

Sharks that glow in the dark? Scientists discover luminous deep-sea predators off New Zealand

An article from NBC News says that researchers have discovered three new shark species off the coast of New Zealand that glow in the dark. The three species are the kitefin shark, the blackbelly lanternshark, and the southern lanternshark. Discoveries like these show how much is still unknown about all of the creatures that dwell at the bottom of the ocean.

